Valmet receives Bronze Class distinction in SAM Sustainability Yearbook 2021
Valmet has received Bronze Class distinction in SAM Sustainability Yearbook 2021 for excellent sustainability performance.
Insights ● ArticleValmet receives Bronze Class distinction in SAM Sustainability Yearbook 2021
Valmet has received Bronze Class distinction in SAM Sustainability Yearbook 2021 for excellent sustainability performance.
Insights ● ArticleValmet’s employee engagement continues to rise
Valmet’s trend in employee engagement is a success story. Since 2014, overall engagement has increased by 12 percentage points.
Insights ● ArticleValmet’s first global multi-site certificate issued
Valmet’s first global multi-site certificate for Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety standards has been issued.
Insights ● ArticleMaking coffee-to-go greener
Valmet’s innovative curtain coating technology turns the barrier board production inside out making coffee cups recyclable like paper waste. Find out more about circular economy in action!
Insights ● ArticleCounting steps to get healthier together
Getting healthier and being part of the team are the most important reasons that make Valmet employees walk an extra mile – literally.
Insights ● ArticleLean brings results in Portugal
In Leading through Lean, the value of the projects lie in the project and the potential to apply similar thinking to other parts of the business. A good example is Ovar where one person’s attendance sparked a Lean initiative that continues to build momentum today.
Insights ● ArticlePaper mill boiler chemical cleaning - why, when and how?
Excess deposits inside recovery boiler tubes may cause failure of the tubes, resulting in injuries to personnel, equipment damage and lost production. This article describes the need for and methodology of performing chemical cleaning of your recovery boilers.
Insights ● ArticleOff machine coater yield loss at the reel, a case study
An OMC suffered from excessive loss at the reel due to offsets, bursts and wrinkles. A new drum with double grooving and tungsten carbide coating solved the problem.
Insights ● ArticleNondestructive measurement of boiler tube scale deposit thickness
Excessive scale deposit on boiler tubes results in costly energy losses and excessive boiler unavailability. A well planned and executed boiler chemistry control program is essential to prevent tube failure.
Insights ● ArticleValmet manufactures exact duplicates of your air heater seals
Air heater seals reduce operating costs and improve heat rate. Valmet manufactures a complete range of exact replacement-in-kind seal assemblies.
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