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TIP New decanter

It eliminates, suctioning from blade area, the emery generated by the grinding wheels of the circular blades, the filings produced by the removed steel, the dust coming from the systems used for sharpening the wheels, as well as oil deposits.

TIP Glue dilution

In the process of converting tissue paper into a finished product, glue plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing the required characteristics of quality and environmental sustainability.

TIP Fire fighting system

Due to the greater use of short-fiber cellulose for the production of paper, the risk of the outbreak of fires becomes very topical. A fire can break out at any time and, at best, means long line downtimes, but at worst the consequences can be even more severe resulting in huge capital losses.

Casmatic CMW180

The Casmatic CMW180 wrapper has been designed to meet a competitive target price, maintaining a high level of performance (up to 180 packs/min ), flexibility and package quality. This medium level wrapper is based on the existing and highly successful Casmatic A6T concept, which guarantees a high level of productivity and reliability.

Perini MyLine Pro

Part of the MyPerini family, Perini MyLine Pro converting line designed for manufacturing toilet and kitchen rolls with diameters up to 200mm at a maximum speed of 600 m/min and an output of 40 log/min. Available in 2.800 mm format, the line is equipped with a versatile embosser capable of producing DESL products, 4 lanes log-saw and corewinder machine.*

Casmatic CMW208

Casmatic CMW 208 is a high speed tissue rolls wrapper for single layer pack configurations in one or two lanes at a maximum speed of 220 packs per minute. Casmatic CMW 208 guarantees efficient and reliable performances and high quality finished products. It is equipped with the traditional reciprocating wrapping cycle, with elevator and overhead flight unit hence it allows a positive product handling and final pack quality, regardless of the rolls softness or wrapping material (paper and/or poly) thickness.


MTC MyTowel

Based on the consolidated MTC vacuum folding Technology MTC MyTowel delivers the top level productivity and efficiency with an optimized line configuration for hand towel interfolded products. The complete line, that includes always an embossing laminator and a log saw, can be supplied with one or two unwinders and a bander unit.*


Perini Constellation S8

The Perini Constellation S8 is a revolutionary rewinder developed by Valmet. Thanks to its central and surface rewinding system equipped with 4 rollers and the renowned Punzoncini technology, the Perini Constellation S8 guarantees a rewinding from the first to the last ply with a perfect embossing result at each point of the roll allowing to produce products previously unimaginable at higher speeds.

Virtual reality, the new industrial standard?

Virtual reality, the new industrial standard?

VR, AR, MR, XR… Has the virtual world felt difficult or even pointless to enter? If yes, now the time is ripe. With the key technological challenges solved, virtual tools are making a breakthrough in the industrial environment bringing possibilities never seen before.

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Making your performance our first priority

Making your performance our first priority

To get the most from any equipment, you need to know how it is performing. Some original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have begun to offer services which manage asset performance in real-time.

Insights ● Blog post