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Steam and condensate system performance - explanation and tips

Steam and condensate system performance - explanation and tips

The purpose of a paper machine steam and condensate system is to control steam pressures for optimum drying, provide stable control over the entire operating range and efficiently remove condensate from inside the dryers. This article presents tips for maintaining performance with your S&C systems.

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Field Report - Slitter blade and band sharpening

Field Report - Slitter blade and band sharpening

Slitters must be sharp and properly sharpened. The best way to maintain a continual supply of sharp slitter blades is to use the Valmet BladePool service. If, however, you choose to do your own sharpening, here are some general instructions for sharpening at the mill.

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Solving wound roll interleaving on an older winder, a case study

Solving wound roll interleaving on an older winder, a case study

Winder sets with a high number of rolls would interleave and wrinkle on the drive side. Calling in an OEM field service expert was a cost-effective solution.

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Improve recovery boiler safety with a fixed annual price agreement

Improve recovery boiler safety with a fixed annual price agreement

A fixed price agreement improves personnel safety and boiler performance. Valmet supplies new liquor sprayer stations and maintains them in new condition.

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Valmet Seal Strip Flex extends roll change intervals, case study

Valmet Seal Strip Flex extends roll change intervals, case study

The seal strip on this mill's paper machine was wearing too rapidly. For five years they had struggled. Valmet's new flexible seal more than doubled runtimes.

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Boiler tuning best practices for efficiency (webinar)

Boiler tuning best practices for efficiency (webinar)

An upcoming free webinar will show how boiler tuning allows recovery boilers to operate more efficiently. It explains key processes, terminology and tools.

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Recovery air systems operations and optimization (webinar)

Recovery air systems operations and optimization (webinar)

Valmet power and process expert gives insights into the liquor cycle, chemistry, air systems modeling, common risks and mitigation and optimization upgrades.

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Web handling - The poor man's spreader or bow-tie roller

Web handling - The poor man's spreader or bow-tie roller

Straight shaft rollers can be used as spreader rolls. They are called "Bowtie" rollers because a concave crown is machined into the roller.

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5 Keys to Better Pulp Washing Operations (tips from the OEM)

5 Keys to Better Pulp Washing Operations (tips from the OEM)

In a recent interview, the Process Engineers and Product Managers from Valmet’s vacuum washer team offered five helpful tips for operators.

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Green liquor production and place in liquor cycle (webinar)

Green liquor production and place in liquor cycle (webinar)

Poor green liquor quality causes negative effects in critical mill processes, including cooking, bleaching, chemical recovery, recausticizing and the lime kiln.

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