Pre-configured lines - MyMTC

Off the shelf and ready to run, MyMTC lines are designed to allow good level of customization while delivering consistently high performance and product quality. Thanks to the MTC advanced folding technology, all line versions enable tissue manufacturers to affordably launch innovative folded products with short delivery time.

MTC MyFold facial
Based on the consolidated MTO vacuum folding technology MTC Myfold facial delivers the top level productivity and efficiency with an optimized line configuration for facial tissue interfolded products.
The complete line, that includes always a two lanes log saw, can be supplied with one or two unwinders and a calander unit.
Two versions are available with the same performance:
MyFold facial, with unwinders and calender of 2900 mm format and cut&fold system to feed the folding head of 1450 mm format
MyFold facial in-line with all 1450 mm format.
Main characteristics
- V-fold facial tissue
- Speed 220 m/min (721,78 fpm)
- 20 cycles/min
MTC MyFold towel
Based on the consolidated MTG vacuum folding technology MTC MyFold towel delivers the top level productivity and efficiency with an optimized line configuration for hand towel interfolded products.
The complete line, that includes always an embossing laminator and a two lanes log saw, can be supplied with one or two unwinders and a bander unit.
Main characteristics:
- V-fold hand towel
- Speed 250 m/min (820 fpm)
- 20 cycles/min