Reducing fugitive emissions from refining: how much valves really contribute and what is the reduction potential?

Flow control solutions, such as valves, contribute to climate management through emission mitigation. Traditionally valves are, however, believed to contribute significantly to fugitive emissions in any refining or petrochemical plant.
The current race is to limit the temperature increase on the planet to a maximum of 1.5 Deg C. Leading oil and gas, refining and chemical producers have committed to target net zero emissions by 2050, at the latest. Valve manufacturers are doing their fair share to contribute towards this objective. Some of their technology driven initiatives are e.g. improved live-loaded packing designs, optimizing valve selections and use of digital tools. This webinar aims to share thoughts to process plant management facing emission challenges with their valves; how they can move towards achieving their emission reduction goals.
This webinar was held by Jukka Borgman.
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